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Florida B.E.S.T and Arts Standards for Each Pre-show Activity

WITHOUT A WORD Subjects: ELA, Arts
Pre-read a story such as Charlotte’s Web. Have the students act out a section from the story without words while it is being read aloud by other students or the Teacher. Next have the students perform the story using improvised (made up) dialogue and movement based on the story’s plot. Finally discuss how dialogue and movement can help tell a story.
Applicable B.E.S.T. Standards: R.1.1, R.1.2, R.1.3, R.3.1, R.3.2, ELA.C.2.1, V.1.3, ELA.K.C.2
Florida Arts Standards: TH.A.1.2.1., FL.TH.B.1.2, TH.E.1.2.3

Using a sentence or nursery rhyme. Place emphasis on different words to change the meaning of the piece. How many different ways can you say: Yes, No, Maybe? Read a short poem or story out loud changing your expressions each time. (Try it softly, creepily, comically, etc…) Ask the children to react to the story as though they were watching it in a theatre and observe how a performer and an audience change as the style of the play transforms from one style to another.
Applicable B.E.S.T. Standards: R.1.1, R.1.2, R.1.3, R.1.4, R.3.1, R.3.2, R.3.4, C.2.1, V.1.2, V.1.3
Applicable Florida Arts Standards: TH.D.1.2.4, TH.E.1.2.3

FEELINGS Subjects: ELA, Theatre, Social Emotional Learning (SEL/Health), Arts
Have the students sit or stand in a circle. Each student should say their name, a word that describes their immediate feeling, and add an abstract gesture to represent that feeling. The next person in line repeats the feeling word and gesture of the previous person and then takes their turn adding their immediate feeling and adding an abstract gesture as before. Continue around the circle until the last person has their turn and is then repeated by the first person.
Applicable B.E.S.T. Standards: R.3.1, C.2.1, V.1.3, Florida SEL – Resilience Building
Applicable Florida Arts Standards: TH.D.1.2.4, TH.E.1.2.1, TH.E.1.2.3

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES Subjects: ELA, Social Emotional Learning (SEL/Health), Theatre
Have students write a story of a time when they overcame obstacles. Use guiding questions to elicit details and descriptions. Time, place, people, challenge, outcome, etc…
Applicable B.E.S.T. Standards: ELA.K.C.1.2
Applicable Florida SEL – Resilience Building, Empathy
Applicable Florida Arts Standards: TH.C.1.2.2, TH.D.1.2.2, TH.E.1.2.3

MOOD MUSIC Subjects: Music, Visual Arts
Select a piece of music from the show or similar to the show and play it for the students. Have them close their eyes as they listen and try to “feel” the music. Either during or afterward ask questions: What colors did you see or think of as the music played? Did you see smooth, flowing lines or irregular, choppy lines? Ask the students to create a line drawing while listening to the music. Encourage them to move their drawing arm and body to the movement and rhythm of the music. Finally have them write their impressions down or take turns sharing them out loud.
Applicable Florida Arts Standards: MU.B.2.2.2, FL.MU.D.1.2, TH.E.1.2.2, TH.E.1.2.3, VA.A.1.2.1, FL.VA.B.1.2